
Here's to friends and enemies and friends

It seems odd. The changes in relationships that occur due to work restructuring. Even beyond the infamous "re-org," the economy has cause many workforce reductions.

Many people are striking out on their own, building new organizations. If it is in a similar field, there is almost an implicit expectation that competitive issues will arise. Those who worked well together are now competing for the same customers out of the same market.

Yet, I am finding that it does not inherently create alienation. Well, it probably does with some individuals. In my case, it seems that being able to acknowledge the other as a competitor, as the "enemy," is a new form of bonding. When it does not have an impact on our own business, we can seek new ways to work together.

I hope that the friend and former co-worker I talked with today knows that I want to keep the professional relationship. Yes, I am going to do what I can to win. I would expect no less from my friend.

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